Sunday, June 8, 2014

Been a long time

It has been a really long time since I have posted I have not been playing as religiously as I had been, I still jump on a couple of times a week to do a STF or featured episode. The big news is I finally got my Galor and I have been slowly tweeking it, and love it.  


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DS9 & STF's

I have been really getting back into STO the last little wile. I have been playing my Klingon hanging out on DS9 the Omega force bug finally got fixed so I got into the Honor guard playing STF's and started kitting out with Borg gear. I have almost the full Borg set and about half my weapons are Borg upgraded. F2p starts today so I think I will head back to Klingon space and see if I can help some new players. DF

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Im back baby!

I renewed my subscription....finally. After spending a day sight seeing I have started playing my Fed. Booting around the Badlands leveling up . I must say I really missed this game. I am also loving all the changes which I'm. Still dicovering. My Fed is almost up to captain so I'm thinking new ship tonight.


Friday, July 22, 2011


I let my subscripton laps a few months ago, I had planned on renewing once seson 4 hit but because Atari sold dropped STO now I can't get time cards anymore. I am trying to come up with a way of getting a lifetime but I don't. Know if I can pull it off.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Aegis sets

I have been on tribble playing around with the new Aegis sets. I am not sure how I feel about borg technology but is dose kind of look cool.The first one is with my Galor holo emitter on


Game play and real life

I have had some health issues lately and have not been up to posting anything but things are getting back to normal. I have been playing my Fed alt and have him up to commander 8. I have been playing around tier 3 three ships he has a Nebula class, Excelsior, and Akira. I think I like the Excelsior best but I think the Akira works best for my characters class.


Sunday, December 26, 2010


I got the NX Enterprise ship not sure why but I really like this model.