Monday, August 9, 2010

New Uniform

Here are a couple of shots of one of J'Rodd's alternate uniforms. On the bridge of the P'agh.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Duras statue?

Is it just me or is that a statue of that petaQ Duras in the great hall on Qo'Nos? Or is is that the son of the petaQ Toral or the petaq Duras son of Toral.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I must say I really like season 2! I loved the House always wins and Bring down the house missions. I know there are some issues with the PvP cues But other than that I think it looks great plays great!



J’Rodd finally made commander! So I now have my K’T’nga. I have not had a chance to take her into battle yet I have been busy making her look nice, and playing Dabo at “Drozana” station. I think I may need to sell off some stuff so I can upgrade my systems a little more particularly the weapons. I really like the look of the K’T’nga I guess I am a little old school, I think I may be in a minority because I do not see a lot of them flying around.



I know I must be doing something wrong in PvP I just don’t know what it is. Sometimes I get stomped other times I am doing the stomping. I think it must have some thing to do with my spec’s I have also been playing around with my weapons load out. I think I may change my shield type I have been running with a covariant shield but I think I read that they can absorb more damage but are slower to recharge.